Constance Moreau
Height: 5'9"
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Vocal Range: D3-E5

A Faithful Companion Companion/Background Frank Fradella
Ghost's Realm Chambermaid/Lady in Waiting Ginnungagap FilmWerks
Ballers Background HBO
Graceland Background USA
The Glades Background A&E
Drunk Shakespeare Various Outre Theatre Company
Hamlet Gertrude Shakespeare Miami
Macbeth Lady Macbeth/Witch 3 Evening Star Productions
Quills Madeleine Infinite Abyss Theater
The Vagina Monologues "I Was There in the Room" FAU Studio Two
2017 South Florida Renaissance Festival Gardyloo Sisters Bobby Rodriguez's Studio One
2017 One Minute Play Festival Various Roles Deering Estate (Director Amy Coker)
The Christmas Carol Ghost of Christmas Past/Mrs. Cratchit Sol Children's Theatre
Ghosts of the Grand Guignol Normandy Woman/Mrs. Marex/Eleanor Infinite Abyss Theater
2016 South Florida Renaissance Festival Lady in Waiting/Entertainer Bobby Rodriguez's Studio One
2016 One Minute Play Festival Various Roles Deering Estate (Director Andie Arthur)
The Elephant Man Nurse Sandwich/Princess Alexandra Andrews Living Arts Studio
Titus Andronicus (reading) Tamora Bobby Rodriguez's Studio One
Next to Normal Stage Manager Measure for Measure Theatre Co.
The November Laws Stage Manager FAU Theatre Lab
The Prey Stage Manager FAU Theatre Lab
Harlowe Assistant Stage Manager FAU Theatre Lab
Bed & Sofa Soundboard Engineer Outré Theatre Co.
Lost (& Found) In Translation Stage Manager Florida Atlantic University
Training & Workshops
Mock Sessions on Camera Kim Houston The Casting Gym
Breaking into TV: Instruction in TV audition and production processes
Intro to Voiceover
Kim Houston The Casting Gym
John Jay Martyn and Darryl Gilley
Audacity Recording and Casting Gym
Acting I: Late Stanislavski Method; Monologue & Scene Work
Elizabeth Price Florida Atlantic University
Acting II: Techniques of Bruce Miller, Declan Donnellan, Patsy Rodenburg; Monologue & Scene Work
Elizabeth Price Florida Atlantic University
Acting III: Advanced characterization
Jean-Louis Baldet Florida Atlantic University
Voice for the Actor
Connor Padilla Florida Atlantic University
Stage Combat
Script Analysis
Movement for the Actor
Samantha Kauffman Florida Atlantic University
Kathryn Morris Florida Atlantic University
Jenna Wyatt Florida Atlantic University
Firearms Handling: Semi-automatic handgun; revolver
Horseback Riding: English, Western equitation and pleasure; equine grooming and handling; basic equine veterinary issues
Law Enforcement: 911 telecommunications—crisis phone calls, critical incident management, handheld and fixed radio communications; terminology, speaking in codes
Stage management: maintaining communications for actors and crew and coordinating production meetings on a weekly basis; directing and managing all events during theatrical productions, ensuring lights, sound effects, props, and actor placement; organization, timeliness, and attention to detail.
Stage Combat
Basic Clinical Skills; CPR certified
Sports: Softball; soccer; kickball; yoga; indoor rock climbing; basic archery (longbow)
Manual Transmission